FR834COR339 - Estuaire du Tavulaghjiu


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Marine / Coastal
Wetland type: Natural
Wetland area: 1.4 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Brackish (0.5 - 18.0 g/l)
Type of fresh water input: Torrent / Stream - Unconfined aquifer
Surface water runoff Outflow from lakeshore or river
Open water area (%): 5 - 25
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Region: Corsica
Sub region: Calvi
Island: Corsica
Municipality: Galéria
Longitude: 8.645305 East
Latitude: 42.413302 North
Wetland condition
Wetland status (MEDWET): 3 - Original habitats / landform partially modified (10-50% untouched)
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
F -- Estuarine waters; permanent water of estuaries and estuarine systems of deltas > 95
Property status
Government - Municipal
Protection statuses
Protection status category Protection status subcategory Area's name Code Coverage area (%) Legislation
National/Regional Protection Regional natural Park Corse 97 L.333-1 à L.333-4 Code Env.
International Protection Biosphere Reserve (buffer zone) Falasorma - Dui Sevi 3
International Protection Biosphere Reserve (transition zone) Falasorma - Dui Sevi 97
International Protection Special Protection Area (SPA) Gulf of Porto and Scandola peninsula FR9410023 3 D 95-631/05.05.95
International Protection Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Porto/Scandola/Revellata/Calvi/Calanches de Piana (terrestrial and marine area) FR9400574 3 D 95-631/05.05.95
CDDA protection status
CDDA code CDDA category
FR12 Site/Monument Registered
FR15 Regional Natural Park
IUCN protection status
IUCN code IUCN Category
III Monument ou élément naturel
IV Aire de gestion des habitats ou espèces
V Paysage terrestre ou marin protégé
Ecosystem services
Type of ecosystem service Ecosystem service Scale of Βenefit (%) Importance
Provisioning services Food Local (<2km) 1 - 1000 people benefitting
Regulatory services Air quality regulation Local (<2km) 1 - 1000 people benefitting
Regulatory services Local climate regulation Local (<2km) 1 - 1000 people benefitting
Activities on wetland
Activity Intensity
140 = Grazing Medium
870 = Dykes embankments artificial beaches general High
952 = eutrophication Medium
954 = invasion by a species Medium
Activities on catchment area
Activity Intensity
140 = Grazing Medium
220 = Leisure fishing Low
401 = continuous urbanisation Medium
419 = other industrial / commercial areas Medium
530 = Improved access to site High
608 = camping and caravans Low
621 = nautical sports Medium
954 = invasion by a species Medium
Impact Intensity
HL- = Habitat loss Medium
VCX = Introduction of exotic floral species High
Vegetation types
Type Coverage (%)
Shrubby / Arborescent 26 - 50
Emergent 26 - 50
Halophytic < 5
Submerged < 5
Species Presence status References
Carpobrotus sp. N.E.Br., 1925 Present
Crithmum maritimum L., 1753 Present
Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter, 1973 Present
Eucalyptus globulus Labill., 1800 Present
Glaucium flavum Crantz, 1763 Present
Juncus acutus L., 1753 Present
Tamarix africana Poir., 1789 Present


Number of individuals


Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Corvus corone cornix (Linnaeus, 1758)
Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769)
Turdus merula (Linnaeus, 1758)
